Coaching and Programs are currently on pause while Kelly focuses on other projects. Please sign up to the Healing Lifestyle Design Newsletter for free resources & updates.

Welcome love,

I'm Kelly Bradley

I help you tap into your true essence & express it.

I weave together the sacred, real science, my 25+ years of experience in the healing & therapy world, and my personal healing & life experiences— to help you alchemize your personal medicine to heal yourself.

Welcome love,

I'm Kelly Bradley

I weave together science, the sacred, my 25+ years of experience in the healing & therapy world, and my personal healing & life experiences— to help you alchemize your personal medicine to heal yourself.

When I hit my healing rock-bottom, I felt completely alone

I experienced debilitating pelvic pain that ripped my "core identity" away.

The persona I had created for myself was go go go, do do do, overachieve, exercise everyday, eat perfect, be perfect, work-a-holic, supermom, produce produce produce….

At first I hid my pain and felt shame, fear, and hopelessness because everything I valued up until that time— I could no longer be or do. It was the scariest time of my life.

I felt like I was going crazy, my body was getting tighter and tighter, my mind was getting foggier and foggier... I finally reached my limit and broke down. I remember laying on my living room floor with only a shirt on just sobbing, ugly sobbing, praying to God, Universe, Divine whoever was out there… “Please guide me. I’m lost. I have no idea what to do. I’ve done everything I know to do. Please help me!” This is what I call my surrender point.

I was forced to step into the unknown, get quiet with mySelf and open up to new possibilities.

The only thing that allowed me to get off that floor that day was a knowing, deep within me, that I absolutely could heal and create an amazing life— a life I deserved.

I started questioning everything and started learning from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Peter Levine, PhD, Bruce Lipton, PhD and so many more, which radically shifted my perceptions of healing, my body, life & everything! Dr. Joe Dispenza's work had a huge influence on my healing. It was his books, workshops and advanced retreats that help me learn the knowledge and skills I needed to become the person I needed to be to heal.

I realized I had to create a life I love in alignment with my radical truths, in the midst of my adversity. I let go of "trying so hard to heal" and instead chose from my heart and soul to become obsessed with uncovering my true self and radically being her. I softened. I played. I used my life as my playground. I saw every day, every moment as my own bland white canvas that I could create anything my heart and soul desired.

I began to feel more free, expansive, calm and ease. I continued to choose to let go of everything that did not align with my truths. I practiced my visualization in a meditative state and guided meditations like my life depended on it- because it did! I felt the difference. I felt and sensed all parts of me healing- coming into harmony, becoming whole again. I weaved one healing daily ritual into the next and literally co-created my life with the Divine- the Universe.

My pain and symptoms fell away and I continue on this life journey knowing that living my truths is the only thing that matters!

When I hit my healing rock-bottom, I felt completely alone

I experienced debilitating pelvic pain that ripped my core identity away.

The persona I had created for myself was go go go, do do do, overachieve, exercise everyday, eat perfect, be perfect, work-a-holic, supermom, produce produce produce….

At first I hid my pain and felt shame, fear, and hopelessness because everything I valued up until that time— I could no longer be or do. It was the scariest time of my life.

I felt like I was going crazy, my body was getting tighter and tighter, my mind was getting foggier and foggier... I finally reached my limit and broke down. I remember laying on my living room floor with only a shirt on just sobbing, ugly sobbing, praying to God, Universe, Divine whoever was out there… “Please guide me. I’m lost. I have no idea what to do. I’ve done everything I know to do. Please help me!” This is what I call my surrender point.

I was forced to step into the unknown, get quiet with mySelf and open up to new possibilities.

The only thing that allowed me to get off that floor that day was a knowing, deep within me, that I absolutely could heal and create an amazing life— a life I deserved.

I started questioning everything and started learning from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Peter Levine, PhD, Bruce Lipton, PhD and so many more, which radically shifted my perceptions of healing, my body, life & everything! Dr. Joe Dispenza's work had a huge influence on my healing. It was his books, workshops and advanced retreats that help me learn the knowledge and skills I needed to become the person I needed to be to heal.

I realized I had to create a life I love in alignment with my radical truths, in the midst of my adversity. I let go of "trying so hard to heal" and instead chose from my heart and soul to become obsessed with uncovering my true self and radically being her. I softened. I played. I used my life as my playground. I saw every day, every moment as my own bland white canvas that I could create anything my heart and soul desired.

I began to feel more free, expansive, calm and ease. I continued to choose to let go of everything that did not align with my truths. I practiced my visualization in a meditative state and guided meditations like my life depended on it- because it did! I felt the difference. I felt and sensed all parts of me healing- coming into harmony, becoming whole again. I weaved one healing daily ritual into the next and literally co-created my life with the Divine- the Universe.

My pain and symptoms fell away and I continue on this life journey knowing that living my truths is the only thing that matters!

Now, I call my healing journey my greatest gift as it awakened me to my true self

Pulling myself up from that floor that day was the start of me learning that I had to peel away all my conditioned beliefs that led to conditioned actions in my life. That moment started my journey of opening up to the unknown, getting radically curious, peeling away all my conditioned layers, and gradually unshackling (unleashing) my true essence.

I am here to remind those who feel lost, frustrated & shackled that they are not alone. I am here to remind you, that you absolutely can heal. I am here to guide you to uncover your true self needs and desires, release your pain and symptoms, and heal at the root cause level while you design a life filled with healing daily rituals that make you excited for the magic and miracles of each day.

Now, I call my healing journey my greatest gift as it awakened me to my true self

Pulling myself up from that floor that day was the start of me learning that I had to peel away all my conditioned beliefs that led to conditioned actions in my life. That moment started my journey of opening up to the unknown, getting radically curious, peeling away all my conditioned layers, and gradually unshackling (unleashing) my true essence.

I am here to remind those who feel lost, frustrated & shackled that they are not alone. I am here to remind you, that you absolutely can heal. I am here to guide you to uncover your true self needs and desires, release your pain and symptoms, and heal at the root cause level while you design a life filled with healing daily rituals that make you excited for the magic and miracles of each day.

Healing is not linear- it’s a spiraling flowing dance

Our patriarchal hierarchical western medical healthcare system tells us that if we do XYZ then your pain/symptoms will go away. Well, healing at the root cause level is not like that.

It’s a dance between radical awareness, noticing and curiosity in the present moment, peeling away the conditioned, domesticated, traumatized layers of ourSelf, uncovering and living our truths including our joys, pleasures and passions. It is a dance of experimenting, not always getting it right, feeling all the feelings, getting off course, choosing to get back on course over and over.

It’s a dance that awakens us to the continuum of emotions that we are meant to experience that are always guiding us on our next best step on our soul’s path.

Healing is not linear- it’s a spiraling flowing dance

Our patriarchal hierarchical western medical healthcare system tells us that if we do XYZ then your pain/symptoms will go away. Well, healing at the root cause level is not like that.

It’s a dance between radical awareness, noticing and curiosity in the present moment, peeling away the conditioned, domesticated, traumatized layers of ourSelves, uncovering and living our truths including our joys, pleasures and passions. It is a dance of experimenting, not always getting it right, feeling all the feelings, getting off course, choosing to get back on course over and over.

It’s a dance that awakens us to the continuum of emotions that we are meant to experience that are always guiding us on our next best step on our soul’s path.

Healing is an innate superpower. We are all programmed to "heal"!

New knowledge & Inner Wisdom


Radical Embodiment & Integration of the New Knowledge and Wisdom via True Self Daily Rituals


Unleashing Your True Self, Radically Being Her in the Moments of Your Life, Healing & Thriving!

New knowledge & Inner Wisdom


Radical Embodiment & Integration of the New Knowledge and Wisdom via True Self Daily Rituals


Unleashing Your True Self, Radically Being Her in the Moments of Your Life, Healing & Thriving!

The experiences / programs I created and offer you are a way for you to navigate your healing / life journey with more ease, grace & joy. They are my unique gifts from my heart and soul and part of my purposes here on this earth at this time.

The HLD Immersion, HLD Membership & HLD Retreats guide you to.....

1- Radically surrender,

2- Connect with & love up all parts of you,

3- Uncover your inner wisdom, language & guidance,

4- Trust your inner world and wisdom above all else following her guidance like your life depends on it- because it does,

5- Unleash your true self more and more in the moments of your life,

6- Radically be your true self in the moments of your life!

The healing journey is the life journey! Life is a ceremony meant to be reveled in and celebrated. Every moment we have the power to be in the magic and miracles!

Our work is a dance between true self daily rituals that help you:

  • Regulate your nervous system using that latest real science and sacred ritual including cultivate coherence within yourself. To heal you must regulate your nervous system!

  • Re-connect with your physical body using movement, music, sound therapy, dance, tuning-in practices, emotional intelligence, womb awakening, feminine embodiment & more.

  • Reconnect with your heart and soul desires and needs including joy, pleasure, play, passions and purposes and taking inspired action to create those in your daily life.

  • Awaken your womb, harmonize your divine feminine and masculine energies and heal women wounds so that you can trust and collaborate with women.

  • Heal trauma wounds (personal, collective, ancestral) via re-parenting, inner children and shadow work, somatic embodiment & more.

  • Let go of all that does not serve your highest good.

  • Remember YOU- radically being your true self in the present moment. .

I am here to help you release all the results of your conditioned ways of being including your symptoms, diagnoses & conditioned personality traits


  • Chronic pain

  • Gut imbalances / dysbiosis, bloating, constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Panic attacks

  • Addictions

  • Exhaustion

  • Depletion


  • Pelvic pain syndrome

  • Pudendal neuralgia

  • Vulvodynia

  • Vestibulitis

  • Chronic fatigue syndromes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Eating disorders, emotional eating

  • Infertility

  • Allergies

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Hormone imbalances


  • Perfectionism

  • Goodism

  • Busy syndrome

  • Workaholism

  • Studyaholism

  • Superwoman syndrome

I am here to help you heal from your symptoms, diagnoses, and conditioned personality traits


  • Chronic pain

  • Gut imbalances / dysbiosis, bloating, constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Panic attacks

  • Addictions

  • Exhaustion

  • Depletion


  • Pelvic pain syndrome

  • Pudendal neuralgia

  • Vulvodynia

  • Vestibulitis

  • Chronic fatigue syndromes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Eating disorders, emotional eating

  • Infertility

  • Allergies

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Hormone imbalances


  • Perfectionism

  • Goodism

  • Busy syndrome

  • Workaholism

  • Studyaholism

  • Superwoman syndrome

I believe That...

We are so much more powerful than we are taught.

Our patriarchal systems, including our healthcare system, tell us we are limited but the truth is we have superpowers that we just need to believe in, remember and cultivate.

There is a power greater than us helping us heal.

When we get out of our own way, trust and believe we can tap into the Divine, God, Universe whatever you desire to call it, to help us heal. Plus, we have a whole team of spirit guides, angels, ancestors cheering us on and guiding us.

We are here in this physical body to experience the whole continuum of emotions and sensations.

Our modern world suffers from an epidemic of dissociation and addiction because we fear feeling. But the point of being in this earth suit is feeling. We need to feel to heal.

The feminine is rising and will heal the earth & the world.

The patriarch has ruled for centuries and the systems are failing leading humans and the earth to dis-ease. Wise people have predicted the rise of the feminine, which is already underway, that will allow us humans to heal ourselves and the Earth. This is not gender-based. Every human has the power to bring more balance to their divine masculine and feminine energies.

It is our responsibility to heal ourselves.

You have the wisdom within you, you just need the guidance. Let’s start your journey together.

I believe That...

We are so much more powerful than we are taught.

Our patriarchal systems, including our healthcare system, tell us we are limited but the truth is we have superpowers that we just need to believe in, remember and cultivate.

There is a power greater than us helping us heal.

When we get out of our own way, trust and believe we can tap into the Divine, God, Universe whatever you desire to call it, to help us heal. Plus, we have a whole team of spirit guides, angels, ancestors cheering us on and guiding us.

We are here in this physical body to experience the whole continuum of emotions and sensations.

Our modern world suffers from an epidemic of dissociation and addiction because we fear feeling. But the point of being in this earth suit is feeling. We need to feel to heal.

The feminine is rising and will heal the earth & the world.

The patriarch has ruled for centuries and the systems are failing leading humans and the earth to dis-ease. Wise people have predicted the rise of the feminine, which is already underway, that will allow us humans to heal ourselves and the Earth. This is not gender-based. Every human has the power to bring more balance to their divine masculine and feminine energies.

It is our responsibility to heal ourselves.

You have the wisdom within you, you just need the guidance. Let’s start your journey together.

A few of my current personal soul pleasures & rituals include:

  • Concocting luscious sacred meals with local food of the land & mindfully loving up every bite- usually with my fingers.

  • Catching magical moments of daily life with my phone / camera.

  • Morning sun gazing outside with my cup of sacred clean Kion coffee.

  • Communing with nature as often as possible. Mother nature is one of my greatest medicines.

  • Meaningful deep conversations with like-minded humans.

  • Running around, playing and having fun in nature with my two dogs and two sons is bliss.

  • Swimming in ocean water- Hawaii and Mexico are my faves so far.

  • Travel to sacred lands- Mexico has been my most extraordinary experience so far however, I’m calling in more adventure to sacred lands around the world.

  • Ecstatic dancing to soul-touching music allowing the music to move me.

A few of my current personal soul pleasures & rituals include:

  • Concocting luscious sacred meals with local food of the land & mindfully loving up every bite- usually with my fingers.

  • Catching magical moments of daily life with my phone / camera.

  • Morning sun gazing outside with my cup of sacred clean Kion coffee.

  • Communing with nature as often as possible. Mother nature is one of my greatest medicines.

  • Meaningful deep conversations with like-minded humans.

  • Running around, playing and having fun in nature with my two dogs and two sons is bliss.

  • Swimming in ocean water- Hawaii and Mexico are my faves so far.

  • Travel to sacred lands- Mexico has been my most extraordinary experience so far however, I’m calling in more adventure to sacred lands around the world.

  • Ecstatic dancing to soul-touching music allowing the music to move me.

Kelly's credentials, trainings, Mentors (partial list)

*I see my healing journey as my greatest wisdom! There is no "education" or "certification" or "degree" or "license" that can give me the wisdom I have uncovered during my own experience of awakening to my truths and my Self! Prior to my healing journey I believed the more degrees and certifications, the more worthy I was. Now, I know I am worthy just being radically aware in my present moments & radically being loud and proud as my true self! Life is our teacher. The world is our playground and schoolyard. One of my greatest joys as the current version of me is traveling to sacred lands experiencing holistic healing retreats surrounded by other women on their awakening journey.

Traditional Education & Degrees

Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy- Arcadia University

Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology- Arcadia University

Study Abroad, Art History / Theater- Goldsmith’s University, London

Women's Health Certifications

Women’s Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner- Tami Lynn Kent PT

Women’s Health & Nutrition Coach

Feminine Embodiment & Womb Awakening

Medicine Woman Retreat in Mexico- Camille Willemain

Aphrodite Awakening Immersion- Camille Willemain

Queen of the Underworld Immersion- Camille Willemain

Womb Sciences Immersion- Usha Anandi

Breathing, Bleeding, Being- Usha Anandi

Book influences: Women Who Run with Wolves, Wild Feminine, Womb Awakening

Root Cause Healing, Self-Healing

Dr. Joe Dispenza Advanced Workshops, Week-Long Retreats, books, courses

Kelly Brogan, MD- online courses, Vital Life Project, books

Laura Koniver, MD- online-courses, private coaching & mentoring- chakra healing, grounding, self-healing & more.

Nervous System Regulation, Trauma Healing, Somatic Experiencing, Re-Parenting

Peter Levine, PhD - courses and books

Polyvagal Theory studies & courses with Stephen Porges & Deb Dana

Irene Lyon courses including Smart Body, Smart Mind & 21-Day Reset

Book influences: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, Nurturing Resilience by Kathy Kain, PhD & Stephen Terrell, PsyD

Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Medicine & Medical Intuition

Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner- The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

Mind-Body Healing Coach

Hone Your Medical Intuitive Skills for Self-Healing Immersion- Tina Zion

Donna Eden Method Energy Medicine & Chakra Healing

Pain Science

Certified Pain Science Practitioner

Functional Nutrition for Chronic Pain Practitioner

Assessment & Education for patients with Neural Circuit Disorders: A training course for medical providers with Dr. Howard Schubiner

Spirituality, Quantum Physics, Epigenetics

Bruce Lipton, PhD- The Biology of Belief, New Biology

Gregg Braden- courses, books

Paul Levy- books

A Course In Miracles

Student of A Course In Miracles

Marianne Williamson- courses, books

Book influences- A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson, A Course In Miracles text & Workbook

German New Medicine

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Dr. Melissa Sells


Gay Hendricks- courses

Wim Hoff Method- private coaching

Returning to Nature, Low-Toxin Living, Bio-hacking, the "Basics"

Grounding / Earthing

Regenerative Farming

Eating "real" food, Fasting

EMF safety

Cycling with nature

Connection with the elements within and outside ourselves

Optimal water & hydration

Optimal sleep

Optimal lighting

Sauna, Cold-Plunge / Showers

Breathwork practices

Meditation / Silent time

Movement, Dance & Exercise

Sound Therapy & Music

Emotional Intelligence

Courses & study with Karla McLaren- Language of Emotions

Emotional Freedom Technique private training & coaching

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Pain Relief immersion & training

Creativity, Pleasure, Play, Art Therapy to Heal

Mentors and courses with Flora bowley and Kelly rae in a variety of mediums

Photography & creativity journeys with Andrea Scher

Vision book journeys and courses with Hanna Marcotti

General Health, Well-being & Life / Health Coaching, Movement

Life Coach training with Martha Beck

Raw Living Foods Chef, Instructor & Educator- Living Light Culinary Institute

Holistic Health Coach- Institute for Integrative Medicine

Integrative Functional Nutrition & Herbology Practitioner- Tulsi Holistic Naturopathic Center

Food As Medicine Practitioner trained under Mark Hyman- 7 Day Immersion for Healthcare Practitioners

Yoga Instructor

Yoga Therapy Practitioner

Gyrotonic Exercise Instructor

Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner

Therapeutic Pilates Practitioner & Educator

Kelly's credentials, trainings, Mentors (partial list)

Traditional Education & Degrees

Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy- Arcadia University

Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology- Arcadia University

Study Abroad, Art History / Theater- Goldsmith’s University, London

Women's Health Certifications

Women’s Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner- Tami Lynn Kent PT

Women’s Health & Nutrition Coach

Feminine Embodiment & Womb Awakening

Medicine Woman Retreat in Mexico- Camille Willemain

Aphrodite Awakening Immersion- Camille Willemain

Queen of the Underworld Immersion- Camille Willemain

Womb Sciences Immersion- Usha Anandi

Breathing, Bleeding, Being- Usha Anandi

Book influences: Women Who Run with Wolves, Wild Feminine, Womb Awakening

Root Cause Healing, Self-Healing

Dr. Joe Dispenza Advanced Workshops, Week-Long Retreats, books, courses

Kelly Brogan, MD- online courses, Vital Life Project, books

Laura Koniver, MD- online-courses, private coaching & mentoring- chakra healing, grounding, self-healing & more.

Nervous System Regulation, Trauma Healing, Somatic Experiencing, Re-Parenting

Peter Levine, PhD - courses and books

Polyvagal Theory studies & courses with Stephen Porges & Deb Dana

Irene Lyon courses including Smart Body, Smart Mind & 21-Day Reset

Book influences: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, Nurturing Resilience by Kathy Kain, PhD & Stephen Terrell, PsyD

Mind-Body Medicine, Energy Medicine & Medical Intuition

Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner- The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

Mind-Body Healing Coach

Hone Your Medical Intuitive Skills for Self-Healing Immersion- Tina Zion

Donna Eden Method Energy Medicine & Chakra Healing

Pain Science

Certified Pain Science Practitioner

Functional Nutrition for Chronic Pain Practitioner

Assessment & Education for patients with Neural Circuit Disorders: A training course for medical providers with Dr. Howard Schubiner

Spirituality, Quantum Physics, Epigenetics

Bruce Lipton, PhD- The Biology of Belief, New Biology

Gregg Braden- courses, books

Paul Levy- books

A Course In Miracles

Student of A Course In Miracles

Marianne Williamson- courses, books

Book influences- A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson, A Course In Miracles text & Workbook

German New Medicine

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Dr. Melissa Sells


Gay Hendricks- courses

Wim Hoff Method- private coaching

Returning to Nature, Low-Toxin Living, Bio-hacking, the "Basics"

Grounding / Earthing

Regenerative Farming

Eating "real" food, Fasting

EMF safety

Cycling with nature

Connection with the elements within and outside ourselves

Optimal water & hydration

Optimal sleep

Optimal lighting

Sauna, Cold-Plunge / Showers

Breathwork practices

Meditation / Silent time

Movement, Dance & Exercise

Sound Therapy & Music

Emotional Intelligence

Courses & study with Karla McLaren- Language of Emotions

Emotional Freedom Technique private training & coaching

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Pain Relief immersion & training

Creativity, Pleasure, Play, Art Therapy to Heal

Mentors and courses with Flora bowley and Kelly rae in a variety of mediums

Photography & creativity journeys with Andrea Scher

Vision book journeys and courses with Hanna Marcotti

General Health, Well-being & Life / Health Coaching, Movement

Life Coach training with Martha Beck

Raw Living Foods Chef, Instructor & Educator- Living Light Culinary Institute

Holistic Health Coach- Institute for Integrative Medicine

Integrative Functional Nutrition & Herbology Practitioner- Tulsi Holistic Naturopathic Center

Food As Medicine Practitioner trained under Mark Hyman- 7 Day Immersion for Healthcare Practitioners

Yoga Instructor

Yoga Therapy Practitioner

Gyrotonic Exercise Instructor

Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner

Therapeutic Pilates Practitioner & Educator

Choose to unleash your true self, so that you can heal & thrive!

The world is currently revealing the depths of it's darkness so that we have no other choice but to wake up and choose a different way. The answer is not "fighting the current system" but instead creating new systems and norms that align with our true self core values!

This new way of living is the Healing Lifestyle Design way of living and being. It allows us to get super real with our truths and our innate radiance to shine!

Choose to unleash your true self, so that you can heal & thrive!

The world is currently revealing the depths of it's darkness so that we have no other choice but to wake up and choose a different way. The answer is not "fighting the current system" but instead creating new systems and norms that align with our true self core values!

This new way of living is the Healing Lifestyle Design way of living and being. It allows us to get super real with our truths and our innate radiance to shine!

© Kelly Bradley ・All Rights Reserved・Terms & Conditions・Privacy・Site by Christa Potter