Coaching and Programs are currently on pause while Kelly focuses on other projects. Please sign up to the Healing Lifestyle Design Newsletter for free resources & updates.

Healing Lifestyle Design- Design a life in alignment with your true self that naturally heals you!

Healing Lifestyle Design- Design a life in alignment with your true self that naturally heals you!

The only way to heal, thrive & be free in this life is to live in radical alignment with your truths- your true self. Healing Lifestyle Design is a way of living that awakens you to your truths and allows your unique essence to shine its brightest!

Unleash your true self so that you can heal, awaken & thrive!

The only way to heal, thrive & be free in this life is to live in radical alignment with your truths- your true self. Healing Lifestyle Design is a way of living that awakens you to your truths and allows your unique essence to shine its brightest!

Unleash your true self so that you can heal, awaken & thrive!

There is an urgency for you to take responsibility & reclaim yourself- your true self.

It is your responsibility to heal you. You are the only one that can decode the guidance within you and know what actions you need to take to heal. I help you learn the skills to connect with you and decode those messages.

We lost these skills over the last few centuries as we have been taught to look outside of ourselves for all the answers.

I guide you to turn inward- to become obsessed with your inner world, be radically curious about you. I want you to fall in love with uncovering the true you and to radically live as her, loud and proud, in the moments of your life.

The healing journey is the life journey. It is the journey of de-conditioning ourselves so that we can not only reveal our innate well-being but, also create our unique gifts and give them to the world.

There is an urgency for you to take responsibility & reclaim yourself- your true self

It is your responsibility to heal you. You are the only one that can decode the guidance within you and know what actions you need to take to heal. I help you learn the skills to connect with you and decode those messages.

We lost these skills over the last few centuries as we have been taught to look outside of ourselves for all the answers.

I guide you to turn inward- to become obsessed with your inner world, be radically curious about you. I want you to fall in love with uncovering the true you and to radically live as her, loud and proud, in the moments of your life.

The healing journey is the life journey. It is the journey of de-conditioning ourselves so that we can not only reveal our innate well-being but, also create our unique gifts and give them to the world.

Sign-up for access to the Healing Lifestyle Design meditation portal!

Sign-up now for access to the Daily Connection Meditation portal. Meditation, which is simply time in silence connecting to YOU so that you can get to know your true self better, is essential for you to heal. I guide you step by step in how to cultivate a daily ritual that not only helps you heal, but that you crave!

Sign-up for access to the Healing Lifestyle Design meditation portal!

Sign-up now for your FREE Daily Connection Meditation mini-course & portal. Meditation, which is simply time in silence connecting to YOU so that you can get to know your true self better, is essential for you to heal. I guide you step by step in how to cultivate a daily ritual that not only helps you heal, but that you crave!

You Deserve to Live a life you love!

Get started with Healing Lifestyle Design now!


One-on-one sessions are transformational. Choose single sessions or packages. Book a call with me to design a unique package for your needs and desires.

You Deserve to Live a life you love!

Get started with Healing Lifestyle Design now!


12 weeks to learn the skills you need to learn to unleash your true self and cultivate a solid foundational healing lifestyle that not only helps you heal, evolve and thrive - but that you also love!


Build on everything you learned in the HLD Signature Program or choose to come play with monthly experiences that help you unleash your true self so that you can heal, evolve & thrive!


One-on-one sessions are transformational. Choose single sessions or packages. Book a call with me to design a unique package for your needs and desires.

You Deserve to Live a life you love!

Get started with Healing Lifestyle Design now!


12 weeks to learn the skills you need to learn to unleash your true self and cultivate a solid foundational healing lifestyle that not only helps you heal, evolve and thrive - but that you also love!


Build on everything you learned in the HLD Signature Program or choose to come play with monthly experiences that help you unleash your true self so that you can heal, evolve & thrive!


One-on-one sessions are transformational. Choose single sessions or packages. Book a call with me to design a unique package for your needs and desires.

You Deserve to Live a life you love!

Get started with Healing Lifestyle Design now!


One-on-one sessions are transformational. Choose single sessions or packages. Book a call with me to design a unique package for your needs and desires.

Peel away the layers at the root of your dis-ease— so your true essence shines

Indigenous cultures and their Medicine Women knew intuitively & instinctively how to restore harmony to themselves and the earth. We, in our modern patriarchal world have forgotten how to trust these inner knowings, our intuition and instincts.

We need to return to trusting and listening to our inner wisdom so that we can heal & thrive.

Peel away the layers at the root of your dis-ease— so your true essence shines

Indigenous cultures and their Medicine Women knew intuitively & instinctively how to restore harmony to themselves and the earth. We, in our modern patriarchal world have forgotten how to trust these inner knowings, our intuition and instincts.

We need to return to trusting and listening to our inner wisdom so that we can heal & thrive.

You are your own medicine women

You have the power to uncover your personalized medicines and titrate your medicines in the moments of your life. We have the power to affect our internal biochemistry with our subconscious and conscious beliefs, thoughts, imaginings, emotions, choices, actions, environment, food we eat, people we surround ourSelves with and more..

We are so much more powerful & magical than we are taught to believe.

You are your own medicine women

You have the power to uncover your personalized medicines and titrate your medicines in the moments of your life. We have the power to affect our internal biochemistry with our subconscious and conscious beliefs, thoughts, imaginings, emotions, choices, actions, environment, food we eat, people we surround ourSelves with and more..

We are so much more powerful & magical than we are taught to believe.

I'm Kelly Bradley

I experienced my own healing journey & dark night of the soul catalyzed by debilitating chronic pelvic pain that ripped my "core identity" away, gifting me the opportunity to rebirth as nobody and rise again as a truer version of myself.

At first I hid my pain and felt shame, fear, and hopelessness. After months of hiding, pushing down emotions, trying so hard to put on a happy face, the pain got so bad that I was forced to surrender. This started my journey of awakening; having one paradigm shift after the next, radically connecting within, taking my power back to heal me and choosing to live radically different from the mainstream world- so that I could not only heal but feel how I desired to feel in the moments of my life.

Now, I call my healing journey my greatest gift as it awakened me to my true essence and taught me how to unabashedly live loud and proud as my true self.

I'm Kelly Bradley

I experienced my own healing journey & dark night of the soul via debilitating chronic pelvic pain that ripped my core identity away, gifting me the opportunity to rebirth as nobody and rise again as a truer version of myself.

At first I hid my pain and felt shame, fear, and hopelessness. After months of hiding, pushing down emotions, trying so hard to put on a happy face, the pain got so bad that I was forced to surrender. This started my journey of awakening; having one paradigm shift after the next, taking my power back to heal me and choosing to live radically different from the mainstream world- so that I could not only heal but feel how I desired to feel in the moments of my life.

Now, I call my healing journey my greatest gift as it awakened me to my true essence and taught me how to unabashedly live loud and proud as my true self.

Time is our most precious commodity.  

Sign up for your weekly dose of inspiration reminding you to question everything, live outside the box, follow your heart & soul and BE your most audacious “true self “ in the moments of your life.  

Let's do this!

Healing lifestyle Design Newsletter

I am a seeker, teacher of what I need to learn most, and radical practitioner of what I preach

I weave together the sacred, real science, my 25+ years of experience in the healing & therapy world, and all my wisdom learned from my own healing journey.

I’m trained as a licensed physical therapist, and I have a BA in psychology, but I knew early on in my traditional education that there were many gaps in my training. This inspired me to seek new knowledge and experiment with it all— weaving, tweaking, collaborating, teaching and sharing as I evolved.

Some of my additional credentials include:

  • Licensed Women’s Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

  • Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner ™ with Tami Lynne Kent

  • Pain Science Practitioner

  • Mind-body Healing Practitioner

I am a seeker, teacher of what I need to learn most, and radical practitioner of what I preach

I weave together science, the sacred, my 25+ years of experience in the healing & therapy world, and all my wisdom learned from my own healing journey.

I’m trained as a licensed physical therapist, and I have a BA in psychology, but I knew early on in my traditional education that there were many gaps in my training. This inspired me to seek new knowledge and experiment with it all— weaving, tweaking, collaborating, teaching and sharing as I evolved.

Some of my additional credentials include:

  • Licensed Women’s Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

  • Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner ™ with Tami Lynne Kent

  • Pain Science Practitioner

  • Mind-body Healing Practitioner

True self Rituals are one of our most powerful medicines

Sacred daily rituals, aligned with our truths, ground us in the radical present moment where we have the power to influence our inner biochemistry to help us heal and thrive.

I guide you to create sacred true self rituals that flow one into the next from morning to night.

True self Rituals are one of our most powerful medicines

Sacred daily rituals, aligned with our truths, ground us in the radical present moment where we have the power to influence our inner biochemistry to help us heal and thrive.

I guide you to create sacred true self rituals that flow one into the next from morning to night.

Healing is a lifestyle and a way of being

As you learn new knowledge you have the power to radically integrate and embody it, so that you can become it- become the person you need to be to heal you- your true self.

Your pain and symptoms will fall away at some point on your journey and then you get to continue evolving and growing, creating your most magical life ever.

It all starts from the same foundation- You radically embodying YOU!

I’m here to ​​be your guide.

Healing is a lifestyle and a way of being

As you learn new knowledge you have the power to radically integrate and embody it, so that you can become it- become the person you need to be to heal you- your true self.

Your pain and symptoms will fall away at some point on your journey and then you get to continue evolving and growing, creating your most magical life ever.

It all starts from the same foundation- You radically embodying YOU!

I’m here to ​​be your guide.

© Kelly Bradley ・All Rights Reserved・Terms & Conditions・Privacy・Site by Christa Potter